La “Mashhad Musical Theater”, compagnia teatrale della città iraniana di Mashhad, è stata fondata nel 2015 e ha iniziato la sua attività mettendo in scena “The Barber”, un musical di Arash Kheirabadi. In questi anni ha prodotto spettacoli di generi diversi, tra cui l’opera “Roozbeh’s Secret” (2017) e i musical “Phonix Orphanage” (2016) e “Pianistology” (2018), nominati e premiati in categorie differenti per due anni consecutivi al Fadjr International Theater Festival.
La compagnia metterà in scena “Irock”, altro musical ricco di attori e personaggi.
La “Mashhad Musical Theater” si è aggiudicata numerosi premi nei festival internazionali in Iran, tra cui miglior regista, miglior scenografia, miglior attore e migliore attrice e infine miglior colonna sonora.
“Mashhad Musical Theater” was founded on 2015, starting its activity with the musical “The Barber” a play by Arash Kheirabadi. It has produced several shows with different genres during these years including; the Musical Phonix Orphanage (2016), the Opera Roozbeh’s Secret (2017), and the Musical Pianistology (2018). This theater production group has been nominated and awarded for its last two musicals (Phonix Orphanage and Pianistology) From Fadjr International Theater Festival Award In different sections, for two consecutive years.
This group will perform IRock and it is a musical theater again and has a lot of actors and characters.
Mashhad musical theater group achieved lots of awards in international festivals in Iran, amongst which: best director, best scene design, best actor and actress and best composing.